KOLUMBA :: Events :: 09/12 Girls' Choir
16 September 2012
Girls' Choir of Rottenburg Cathedral
Workshop Concert
Stephan Boehme (born 1962)
“Jetzt!” (“Now!”)
Raumklang in der Fremde (Stereophonic Sound Far Away)
For a Women's Choir and Electronics
1. Du rufst uns hinaus ins Weite (You call us out to distant regions)
2. Du läufst im Kreise unentwegt (You walk ceaselessly in circles)
3. Richte uns auf (Raise us up)
4. Steige empor (Ascend)
5. Hör mein Rufen (Hear my call)
6. Wer bin ich (Who am I)
7. Nimmst du ihren Atem, so vergehen sie (Take their breath and they will wilt)
8. Es sind die kurzen Augenblicke (The short moments are those that count)
1. Du rufst uns hinaus ins Weite (You call us out to distant regions)
"Stereophonic Sound Far Away" is supposed to mean: Music that comes about in the here and now, detaching itself and conquering new dimensions we no longer call home, opening up perspectives or even visions instead. There is no need to "understand" the music; it is meant to be forthright, even when the composer explains the way the piece is made and states his intentions, so to speak, as an auditory aid. Texts by poet Manfred Ach may be understood as a literary supplement, causing our hearing to become listening, or even to make us sit up.
Girls' Choir of Rottenburg Cathedral
Director: Frank Leenen