Kolumbastraße 4
D-50667 Köln
tel +49 (0)221 9331930
fax +49 (0)221 93319333

15 years of Kolumba
Time for a Re-Vision
We are asking you!

From the early 1990s, many high expectations were associated with the “Museum of Reflection”. In a place that bears witness to the centuries-old cultural tradition of the church, it was to be possible to provide pastoral care with the means and possibilities of a professional art museum. Since then, the socio-political environment has also changed enormously for culture. Climate change confronts us with environmental disasters of apocalyptic dimensions. Global political upheavals and wars are forcing people to leave their homes and flee to unreachable places. The institution of the church has also maneuvered itself to the margins of society due to the extent of sexual abuse of wards. Against this backdrop, we ask ourselves once more what our mission as an ecclesiastical art museum should be and query the conditions under which we could fulfil this task in the future. – It is time for a Re-Vision, for an assessment of whether these expectations have been met and to what extent, on what occasions we have exceeded them and in what sense they have remained unfulfilled. Critical retrospection should enable us to take the vision of a “Living Museum” further. For this reason we ask you for feedback. When has our work moved you, when have we failed? We cordially invite you to take part. Please send as a word, a text, or a photo… (mail@kolumba.de).
Your Kolumba Team

»Thank you very much and congratulations on a wonderful exhibition.« (Dr. Lora Sariaslan, 25.11.2024)

Art museum of the
Archdiocese of Cologne

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15 years of Kolumba
Time for a Re-Vision
We are asking you!

From the early 1990s, many high expectations were associated with the “Museum of Reflection”. In a place that bears witness to the centuries-old cultural tradition of the church, it was to be possible to provide pastoral care with the means and possibilities of a professional art museum. Since then, the socio-political environment has also changed enormously for culture. Climate change confronts us with environmental disasters of apocalyptic dimensions. Global political upheavals and wars are forcing people to leave their homes and flee to unreachable places. The institution of the church has also maneuvered itself to the margins of society due to the extent of sexual abuse of wards. Against this backdrop, we ask ourselves once more what our mission as an ecclesiastical art museum should be and query the conditions under which we could fulfil this task in the future. – It is time for a Re-Vision, for an assessment of whether these expectations have been met and to what extent, on what occasions we have exceeded them and in what sense they have remained unfulfilled. Critical retrospection should enable us to take the vision of a “Living Museum” further. For this reason we ask you for feedback. When has our work moved you, when have we failed? We cordially invite you to take part. Please send as a word, a text, or a photo… (mail@kolumba.de).
Your Kolumba Team

»Thank you very much and congratulations on a wonderful exhibition.« (Dr. Lora Sariaslan, 25.11.2024)