KOLUMBA :: Exhibitions :: 2017 Marek Poliks
19 July to 14 August / 19 to 21 August 2017)
Marek Poliks: Interdictor
(on the occasion of "Ten Years Kolumba")
The sound machine will premiere on Saturday, 19 August at 7 and 8:30 p.m. (duration ca. 40 min.)
We are in the year 2017. On the occasion of its tenth birthday anniversary, Kolumba is setting out for new worlds. A technoid sculpture comes about before the visitors' eyes - installation, sound machine and stage all in one: the Interdictor. Its setup in a museum context is both experimental and daring. It changes the customary atmosphere of the rooms in the direction of a laboratory of thought and testing. The creator of the spaceship-like construction, whose title playfully alludes to the flying objects in the "Star Wars" film saga, is the American composer Marek Poliks. Commissioned by the Munich Biennale – Festival for Contemporary Music Theater, the sound machine will premiere there in the coming year. The Interdictor will resound with mechanical and digital tones. This procedure constitutes a continuation of the young composer's previous work: to give music a home, a room within a room in which the audience orients itself, in which light, video, electronic and acoustical music form a system of references. Kolumba serves as a base station for their buzzing command center which, here in our context, opens up a broad field of emotions and interpretations. Intrinsic to the confusing sight of the space ship is the promise of a new beginning. But at the same time, the Interdictor, the prohibitor, throws us back to our environment with its social and ecological distortions. »My spaceship is both an indifferent earth and a romantic vehicle of escape into ourselves. As interdictors, we phase-shift between both, constantly.« (MP)
In cooperation with the Munich Biennale – Festival for New Music Theater
Marek Poliks, *1989, lives in Somerville/Massachusetts. Numerous performances and festival participations that include: 2012 Lucerne Festival; 2013 Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik; 2014 Unerhörte Musik Berlin; 2015 Bludenzer Tage Zeitgemaesser Musik; 2015 Klangwerkstatt Festival Berlin; 2016 Klang, Copenhagen Avantgarde Music Festival.