Kolumbastraße 4
D-50667 Köln
tel +49 (0)221 9331930
fax +49 (0)221 93319333

November 1, 2024 – February 24, 2025
For Joseph Marioni
An Exhibtion in memory of the Painter

On September 6, the American painter Joseph Marioni died unexpectedly at the age of 81 in his adopted home of New York. As the son of Italian immigrants, Marioni was well acquainted with European art history. In 1994, we acquired Yellow Painting 1.1982 from a private collection, the first painting that he had exhibited in Germany in the year it was created, in the legendary and highly acclaimed painting room of Cologne painter Günter Umberg. The following year, it was juxtaposed with the sculpture of the standing Ecce homo, created around 1500, which impressively presented the still young concept of the reformed diocesan museum. On the occasion of his solo exhibition at the Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Marioni had the opportunity to view the presentation. He found himself in the cross-temporal and cross-media juxtaposition in a way that he had never experienced before. This was followed by an ongoing and intensive dialog about painting, which we will miss just as much as his hospitality, generosity and warmth of heart. Important milestones in our relationship included the solo exhibition Joseph Marioni – Triptych, which we showed in 1999 immediately after Andy Warhol – Crosses at the old location, the opening exhibition in the new building (2007 - 2008) and the annual exhibition Noli me tangere (2010 - 2011), within which his works formed a common thread. With four selected works from the years 1974, 1982, 1999 and 2017, the exhibition For Joseph Marioni can lay claim to the character of a small retrospective. It provides an insight into the painter's lifelong struggle for painting as a body of color, color of light.

In cooperation with the gallery owners Rolf Hengesbach (Wuppertal) and Mark Müller (Zurich), a commemorative event took place on November 1, which was musically framed by the pianist Alexander Paeffgen (grand piano). Of the approximately 80 invited guests, Peter Tollens, Reinhard Ermen, Michael Metten, Rolf Hengesbach and Joseph Staten gave speeches, moderated by Stefan Kraus.

Art museum of the
Archdiocese of Cologne

Current events
Audio Tracks

2024 For Joseph Marioni
2024 Artist at Work
2023 Word Script Sign

2022 As beautiful as a Buren
2022 Place and Self

2022 Terry Fox
2021 Into the Expanse
2021 Photoszene: Hannah Villiger
2020 Art and Choreography

2020 Raimund Girke
2020 The Oil Dwarf
2020 New Beginnings 89
2020 Robert Klümpen
2020 Heiner Binding
2019 Ulrich Tillmann
2019 New Beginnings

2018 Attila Kovács
2018 Michael Oppitz
2017 ars vivendi – ars moriendi
2017 Pas de deux

2017 Marek Poliks
2017 Eric Hattan
2017 Office for...
2017 Barthel Bruyn
2016 Street Art Project
2016 Kurt Benning
2016 On the Individual

2016 Bethan Huws
2015 Shopmovies
2015 Anna & Bernhard Blume
2015 The Read Thread

2015 Museum for Drawing
2015 Birgit Antoni: Cinema
2014 Vertigo of Reality
2014 playing by heart

2014 Achim Lengerer
2014 Bruno Jakob
2013 show cover hide

2013 Eucharist
2013 Norbert Schwontkowski
2013 Pascal Schwaighofer
2012 Art is Liturgy – Paul Thek

2012 Leiko Ikemura
2012 Volker Saul
2012 Jaromir Novotny
2011 Birgit Antoni
2011 thinking

2011 Philipp Wewerka
2010 Mischa Kuball
2010 Noli me tangere!

2010 Heinrich Küpper
2010 Robert Haiss
2010 Renate Köhler
2010 Georg Baumgarten
2009 Stefan Wewerka
09/09 Bequest

2009 Koho Mori-Newton
2009 Hermann Abrell
2008 Heiner Binding
2008 Man Leaving Earth

2007 Infinite Space Expands

2006 In the Garden of Reality II
2006 Werner Schriefers
2006 In the Garden of Reality I
2005 The Egner Donation
2005 Leiko Ikemura
2005 Arma Christi
2005 Hans Josephsohn
2005 Coptic Textiles
2005 Birgit Antoni
2004 Monika Bartholomé
2004 Max Cole
2003 Reliquary Crosses
2004 Heinrich Küpper
2003 Martin Frommelt
2003 150 Years!
2002 Attila Kovács
2002 Herbert Falken
2002 Peter Tollens
2001 ars vivendi
2001 Peter Zumthor
2000 Volume
2000 walkmen
2000 The Härle Donation
2000 Children's drawings
2000 About Reality
1999 Andor Weininger
1999 Joseph Marioni
1999 Andy Warhol
1998 Kunsthalle Baden-Baden
1998 Faith and Knowledge
1998 Stephan Baumkötter
1998 Bernd Ikemann
1998 Kabakov Pane a.o.
1998 Hildegard Domizlaff
1997 Cage Tsangaris a.o.
1997 Richard Serra
1997 Manos Tsangaris
1997 Kunst-Station
1997 Klaus vom Bruch
1997 About the Site: Kolumba
1996 About Ambivalence
1996 Chris Newman
1996 Peter Tollens
1996 Wolfgang Laib
1996 About Colour
1995 Early Christian Art
1995 Mischa Kuball
1995 Palace of Art
1995 Horn Falken Michals, a.o.
1995 Monika Bartholomé
1993 Tápies Thek Tuttle u.a.
1992 Vaticana

KOLUMBA :: Exhibitions :: 2024 For Joseph Marioni

November 1, 2024 – February 24, 2025
For Joseph Marioni
An Exhibtion in memory of the Painter

On September 6, the American painter Joseph Marioni died unexpectedly at the age of 81 in his adopted home of New York. As the son of Italian immigrants, Marioni was well acquainted with European art history. In 1994, we acquired Yellow Painting 1.1982 from a private collection, the first painting that he had exhibited in Germany in the year it was created, in the legendary and highly acclaimed painting room of Cologne painter Günter Umberg. The following year, it was juxtaposed with the sculpture of the standing Ecce homo, created around 1500, which impressively presented the still young concept of the reformed diocesan museum. On the occasion of his solo exhibition at the Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Marioni had the opportunity to view the presentation. He found himself in the cross-temporal and cross-media juxtaposition in a way that he had never experienced before. This was followed by an ongoing and intensive dialog about painting, which we will miss just as much as his hospitality, generosity and warmth of heart. Important milestones in our relationship included the solo exhibition Joseph Marioni – Triptych, which we showed in 1999 immediately after Andy Warhol – Crosses at the old location, the opening exhibition in the new building (2007 - 2008) and the annual exhibition Noli me tangere (2010 - 2011), within which his works formed a common thread. With four selected works from the years 1974, 1982, 1999 and 2017, the exhibition For Joseph Marioni can lay claim to the character of a small retrospective. It provides an insight into the painter's lifelong struggle for painting as a body of color, color of light.

In cooperation with the gallery owners Rolf Hengesbach (Wuppertal) and Mark Müller (Zurich), a commemorative event took place on November 1, which was musically framed by the pianist Alexander Paeffgen (grand piano). Of the approximately 80 invited guests, Peter Tollens, Reinhard Ermen, Michael Metten, Rolf Hengesbach and Joseph Staten gave speeches, moderated by Stefan Kraus.